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簡(jiǎn)要描述:MT-SV生產(chǎn)線分散系統(tǒng)The sterile manufacture of pharma, cosmetic, food and life science requires dispersing technology especially designed for process safety and quality.

  • 更新日期:2018-11-21
  • 訪  問(wèn)  量:759



The sterile manufacture of pharma, cosmetic, food and life science requires dispersing technology especially designed for process safety and quality. Among these features are high-grade stainless steel materials, approved static and dynamic sealing systems, designs far-reaching free of dead space and with fine surface finishes, SIP and CIP cleaning possibility, and compliance with the required cleanroom classification.


  • 轉(zhuǎn)子直徑

    45 – 160 mm

  • 最大處理量

    1000 – 25 000 l/h (Water)

  • 周向速度

    25 m/s

  • 速度范圍

    3000 – 10 600 rpm

  • 電機(jī)

    4.0 – 37.0 kW / Wear-free, water-cooled high-frequency AC motor / Direct drive (gearless) / Fully stainless steel housing / Process control and RECO® speed control

  • 工作腔

    Vertical production chamber free of dead spaces / Certified sterile «3A» design for CIP / SIP cleaning / 1 – 3 rotor / stator stages in different types: coarse / medium / fine / superfine

  • 密封

    Shaft seal with double mechanical seals / All additional seals conform to product shape / Sterilizable barrier pressure system with steam condensate production incl. connection fittings

  • 材質(zhì)

    1.4435 / 1.4404 / 316L stainless steel / Electropolished / Surface finish ≤ 0.8 Ra or ≤ 0.5 Ra / Standard with clamp connections / Material certificates EN 10204 / 3.1 on request

  • 清潔室

    Available for various cleanroom classes / Cleanroom decontamination models on 



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