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在線薄膜乳化設(shè)備The MEGATRON® MT-MM stands out due to the following advantageous qualities compared with conventional emulsifying methods.

  • 更新日期:2018-10-27
  • 訪  問(wèn)  量:1222




The MEGATRON® MT-MM stands out due to the following advantageous qualities compared with conventional emulsifying methods.



  • 最大處理量

    Approx. 5 – 40 l/h of liquid phase

  • 最大工作壓力

    6 bar(g) for continuous phase / 20 bar(g) for dispersed phase

  • 操作溫度

    90 °C

  • 材質(zhì)

    All wetted parts are made of SS 316L, ­electro-polished / All wetted O-rings are made of EPDM (other materials are available on request)

  • 電機(jī)

    High frequency motor, 4.0 kW, 10 000 rpm, 3 x 400 V, 167 Hz, IP 55, Design B3 / B5 / Suitable for operation with frequency inverter (must be operated with a frequency inverter)

  • 速度控制

    By frequency inverter, Type RECO® 34 / 4.0 integrated in the stainless steel housing

  • 工作腔

    Type: MMK 1-56 DW, horizontal design, with heating / cooling jacket, with double mechanical seal, product inlet G ½”, product outlet G ½”, material 316 L; electro-polished, dosing connectio

  • 薄膜

    Type MMG 55 / 2, material: stainless steel 316L

  • 機(jī)械密封

    Double mechanical seal

  • 密封壓力系統(tǒng)

    Pressure vessel with volume 3 l with cooling coil, analogue manometer and analogue thermometer

  • 泵連變頻器

    Pump unit with gear pump head and magnetic coupling, flow rate up to approx. 40 l/h, controlled by frequency converter through touch screen panel

  • 氣體流量計(jì)

    To control the gas flow / Gas flow: up to approx. 40 l / h

  • Plant control

    Touch screen panel 6.4” TFT color / Network; 10 / 100 Mbit / USB- and RS232-Connection / Windows CE Core / Protection class: front IP 65 / back IP 20



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