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簡要描述:kinematica乳化機(jī)使用xian進(jìn)數(shù)字技術(shù)帶計算機(jī)軟件控制, USB 連接線及刀頭制動器, 帶EU電源線 (230V)

  • 更新日期:2024-07-30
  • 訪  問  量:4775



This ergonomic hand disperser is light weight and therefore ideal for rapid turnaround of smaller sample volumes. The extensive range of dispersing aggregates covers a wide range of sample preparation applications.




– ON & OFF and speed control by simply pressing a button
– The drive rests comfortably in the palm of your hand
– The membrane keyboard is easy to operate and to clean
– Changing the aggregate is easy with the Click & Go quick release
– The EasyClean Design makes cleaning the aggregates simple
– Low noise level

Intelligent Control System

– Intelligent speed controls ensure a long service life
– Stable motor speeds even during changes of viscosity
– Using the MEMO button lets you save engine speeds and provides you with the option to recall and reproduce the setting later in order to process larger numbers of samples.
– The supplied PC software offers a remote control option or the recording of specific application parameters.

Results are convincing

– Smallest sizes of particles / droplets because precise ­analysis require homogeneous samples
– Efficient sample preparation because fast dispersion saves time
– Standard or custom-made aggregates perfected for and in cooperation with the users
– Cleaning and disassembly EasyClean Design makes it very simple
– Quick coupling of the aggregates by using Click & Go
– Best materials available because without them, we could not call it Swiss Made
– Durability is a Swiss virtue


  • 最少處理量 (毫升)


  • 最高處理量 (毫升)


  • 功率


  • 葉尖速度

    Up to max. 14 m/s / Up to max. 21 m/s (X-Aggregate)

  • 適用分散頭

    ø 3, 5, 7, 12 mm / ø 20 mm X-Design

  • 速度范圍

    2000 – 30 000 rpm

  • 驅(qū)動連接頭

    Aggregates with E coupling

  • 噪音等級

    65 dB(A) at 30 000 rpm

  • 電機(jī)

    Brushless, maintenance-free

  • 連接電壓

    90 – 230 V ± 10 %, 50Hz / 60Hz

  • 相對濕度

    80 % during storage / 80 % during operation

  • 操作溫度

    0 – 40 °C

  • 計算機(jī)界面

    RS-232 (D SUB 9) / USB socket B

  • 防護(hù)等級 (DIN)

    IP 20

  • 尺寸

    Drive: 210 x 40 x 45 mm / Control module: 230 x 205 x 95 mm

  • 重量

    Drive: 620 g / Control module: 1040 g

  • EMC 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

    IEC / EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-3




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